Manchester Gardening Landscaping Services
Enjoy the Garden – Skip the Work
We are a boutique landscape installation and maintenance firm in Richmond VA.
Call us today at 804-249-4438.
Richmond neighborhoods are rich with history, diverse architecture, beautiful lawns and colorful gardens. The Manchester Gardening team truly loves the neighborhoods in which we work. We confer with our clients to determine what best suits their needs.

Landscape Design and Installation:
What could be more exciting than the addition of new plants to the garden? Our team can work with an existing plan or assist you in creating one. We particularly enjoy renovating the grounds of established yards. Nothing is more satisfying than watching the transformation from tired and overgrown to fresh and lovely. Design can include the addition of new planting areas or simply the renovation of existing beds and gardens.
Landscaping can also be something as simple as the addition of a small herb garden or the replacement or addition of a tree.

Hard Scape:

Bed/Garden Maintenance:
Customized plans are designed to provide optimum care for your outdoor spaces. Services include but are not limited to: bed care (weeding, mulching, edging, leaf removal), care of ornamental shrubs and perennials (pruning, dead heading, fertilizing), installation of annuals, container plantings.

Project Work can include (the stuff that we never get around to doing):
Leaf removal, mulching, natural area grooming (removing volunteer undergrowth, Virginia creeper and whatever else the birds have graciously deposited), removing overzealous groundcovers such as English Ivy and Vinca Major, sod installation.

Project Work

Containers, Planters and Raised Gardens
Call Manchester Gardening LLC
Experience peace as you are surrounded by lush landscapes and let your spirit flourish with beauty. Call Manchester Gardening LLC for landscaping services in Richmond VA and surrounding areas. 804-249-4438